Windsor Corporate Challenge Raises Over $75,000.00 net For Local Charity
WINDSOR, June 20, 2017 – On Saturday, June 17th, 2017 we had a record breaking 70 teams with over 1,000 participants, and 125 volunteers participate in the Sixth Annual Windsor Corporate Challenge. These coworkers not only, work together every weekday, but this past weekend they challenged one another to act as one, promoting togetherness, and removing any workplace barriers!
This year the Windsor Corporate Challenge is proud to announce we raised over $75,000.00 net to support the House of Sophrosyne! The House of Sophrosyne will be allocating all funds raised towards their Family and Child Care Room in their Building for Recovery Capital Campaign. These rooms will allow women to seek the treatment they need while caring for their children. Since its inception, we are thrilled to announce that Windsor Corporate Challenge has raised over $715,000 for Windsor-based charities with a focus on children, women, and families.
“Every year I am overwhelmed by the dedication and generosity of teams when it comes to fundraising. Every participant makes it a priority to bring in large donations for the selected charity,” says Meighen Nehme, Founder of Windsor Corporate Challenge and President and C.E.O. of The Job Shoppe. “This year was no different from past years. Our teams came through and raised an impressive amount for the House of Sophrosyne new Family and Child Care Room in their Building for Recovery Capital Campaign.”
The Windsor Corporate Challenge provides local businesses with the most cost-effective team-building day for their employees. The day’s agenda consists of a variety of timed activities and challenges of all levels, so everyone can partake in the fun! Teams are comprised of 10 to 12 members who compete against other local businesses for top bragging rights. This event is a fantastic way for employees to get to know one another, as well as provide a spirited forum for a variety of companies in Windsor-Essex County to network.
“Last year we sold out at 50 [teams], it was the intention this year, but we ended up extending it a little bit, and we let 75 teams register,” says Nehme. “We ended up having 70 actually participate.”
While team BDO Sums of Anarchy was the winner of the 2017 Windsor Corporate Challenge, many other teams proved themselves in other areas. The top fundraising teams were Caesars Windsor with $15,911.00, Cypher Systems Group with $10,449.00, Valiant with $10,971.00, Windsor Laser Eye Institute with $6,580.00, Spencer // Butcher with $3,580.00 and EasyInsure with $2,570.00.
The top individual fundraisers included Lisa Tayfour (Windsor Laser Eye Institute), Megan DeJong (Spencer // Butcher) and Shari Martel (Green Shield Canada). Additionally, the Hotel Dieu Grace Healthcare Team 1 was the winner of the team Spirit Award.
Windsor Corporate Challenge in now accepting applications for next year’s charity. If you would like to apply or know of an organization that could benefit from the fundraising and exposure, please let them know that applications are due on or before September 15th. All details are posted on our website, and any inquiries can be made to Ashley@windsorcorporatechallenge.com.
Save the date for the 7th Annual Windsor Corporate Challenge on Saturday, June 16th, 2018 – We hope to see you again!
If you’d like to download a PDF version of the Press Release – Click here.
Press Contact
Name: Ashley Sarros
Title: Windsor Corporate Challenge Committee Member /
Director of Marketing and Engagement for the Job Shoppe
Phone: 519-979-4400
Email: ashley@thejobshoppe.com